Command line parameters


This is the help output of the verigen tool. Fun fact: generated by verigen itself.

usage: [-h] [-v] [--verbose <N>] [-o,--output <file>] [-l <lang>]
                  [--print-lang-specs] [-s <file>]
                  [input [input ...]]

VeriGEN, Versatile Text Generator, ver. 0.1

positional arguments:
  input                 Input file. For standard input use '-'

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Show version and exit.
  --verbose <N>         Diagnostics verbosity, 0 = lowest, 9 = highest
  -o,--output <file>    Ouput file. Standard output if unspecified.
  -l <lang>, --lang <lang>
                        Select language of source file. If not specified, try
                        to guess from file extension.
  --print-lang-specs    Print predefined language specification in JSON format
                        and exit.
  -s <file>, --lang-spec <file>
                        Load language specification from JSON file.